ISO Training Course
Isometric poses are a form of exercise that I have used since my personal trainer days. It is very effective in a short amount of time, which makes it very efficient in an exercise routine. I can get more out of 5 isometric poses in 10 minutes than most people can with a full hour at the gym. Every isometric pose is posture driven and focuses on core and precision.
This creates the perfect storm for lean muscle mass that is built using your own body weight and nothing else. It’s simple, effective, and oh wow does it make you sore the next day!
The 6 week course allows you to gain progress weekly with workouts tailored to you that build on each other. In your workout sessions we will design your regimen that can be used until your next appointment. You will also have nutritional counseling built into the program to make sure that the fuel you’re giving your body will be exactly what you need.